There have been several new announcements made by both the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Treasury Department in recent days in...

2019 Tax Filing Season Opens January 27
2019 Tax Filing Season Opens January 27
§199A QBI Deduction on IRS-Prepared Substitute Return Not Allowed
§199A QBI Deduction on IRS-Prepared Substitute Return Not Allowed
Depreciation limits on luxury automobiles
Tax Reform changes depreciation limits on luxury automobiles The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act changed depreciation limits for passenger vehicles...
Depreciation, depreciation and surprise !
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed into law on Dec. 22, 2017, and it provides many incentives for small business owners, including...
Income taxes and selling a home
Taxpayers who sell a home may qualify to exclude from their income all or part of any gain from the sale. Below are some things taxpayers...
Updated Withholding Calculator Reflects Changes in New Tax Law
To help taxpayers, the IRS updated the special Withholding Calculator tool on to reflect changes in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act...

Tax Due Dates
Form 2018 Filing Due Date (Tax Year 2017) Form W-2 (electronic or mail) January 31st Form 1065 –...
Do not give your credit card or any personal information over the phone. The IRS will never call you !
Tax Reform Bill 2017
Changes for Individuals and Families Effective for Tax Year 2018 Lower tax rates – Lowers tax rates and sets the rates at 10%, 12%, 22%,...